Category Archives: Products

This is Pure Genius…Edible Six-Pack Rings Mean Safer Sea Life!

Each year millions of birds and thousands of marine animals get trapped in plastic six pack rings or try to eat them and die. So Saltwater Brewery created these…edible six pack rings! Made of barley and wheat remnants left over from the brewing process; these feed marine life as opposed to killing them, are combustible […]

World’s Oldest Hotel

Founded in 705 AD, the Koshu Nishiyama Onsen Keiunkan in Kyoto is a hot spring hotel. In 2011, the 37 room hotel was officially recognized by the Guinness World Records as the oldest hotel in the world being continuously operated by 52 generations of the same family!  Keiunkan has four open-air baths and two indoor […]

Beer for Women?

Women consume about 32% of craft beer so Master Brewer Kristi McGuire, had an idea…beer that cater specifically to women. Her company is called, no other than High Heel Brewing and will start disributing in Florida next month with the hopes to expand outside the states. Stylish packaging and strong, unique tastes are coming to […]