This is So Cute! Go Ahead Smile, Giggle, Laugh! It’s good for you!

LUXONIX Purity VST Crack

This one made us smile for sure! Remember to take time from your busy schedule each day to do just that. Have Fun, Smile, Giggle and laugh! According to scientific studies, including the ones conducted by Dr. Lee Berk and Dr. Stanley Tan at the Loma Linda University, there are many benefits to laughing! 1. IMPROVES CARDIAC HEALTH 2. TRIGGERS THE RELEASE OF ENDORPHINS 3. REDUCES STRESS HORMONE LEVELS 4. PRODUCES A GENERAL SENSE OF WELL-BEING 5. LOWERS BLOOD PRESSURE 6. WORKS YOUR ABS 7. BOOSTS T-CELLS Even hospitals have seminars called “Laughter is good medicine”!  Just take a look at this small list of comedians and how long they lived! Bob Hope, 100 George Burns, 100 Phyllis Diller, 95 Milton Berle, 94 Henny Youngman, 92 Victor Borge, 91 Happy Laughing!